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What are the top reporting tools in BI?

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(@Ganesh Kumaran)
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I want to know the top reporting tools in BI. Any suggestions on this? 

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Posts: 71
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Joined: 5 years ago

Let us see the top 3 reporting tools in BI. These reporting tools are very popular and widely used in business intelligence to take effective decisions.


  1. PowerBI
  2. Tableau                      
  3. QlikView


Why PowerBI

To be honest quite of few reasons why PowerBI is so popular but these are a few major ones.


What it does is it gives you great capabilities when I talk about Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics.


It is a very good data visualization tool and that forms a core part of data science, Machine Learning, Advanced Analytics, and this is where PowerBI comes in very handy.


Apart from that what it does is, it let you write scripts. It is a very popular tool when we talk about Data Analytics.


It gives you great mobility and Cortana integration. It lets you interact with the application better. This tool is available for all kinds of platforms.


You can use it on your mobile phone or you can access data through the cloud. Using PowerBI you can do many other things. It readily integrates with a lot of other applications. That is what it is highly portable and mobile.


Features of PowerBI


  • Lower Upfront Costs,
  • API's for Integration
  • Customization
  • User-Friendly


Lower Upfront Costs:


PowerBI is very affordable when we talk about Upfront Costs. It is almost 10 times affordable than other tools in the market. Which is a great margin tool? Tools that you cost around a thousand dollars PowerBI lets you do almost everything that those tools let you do at somewhere around 100 dollars. That is a huge margin when we talk about cost margin optimization.


API's for Integration


It has an application protocol interfaces to integrate with so many things you can connect to your cloud services, you can connect to SQL Server to get data from there. In all, it gives you great capabilities when talking about integration.



It let you connect with different sources and it lets you customize applications in such a way that you can meet your business solutions better User friendly.

To place it in simple words If you start learning PowerBI in the morning you should be good enough to understand how it works by evening that is how easy and user friendly to use. Data visualization is a wide field when we talk about understanding data that can take a lot of time.

But PowerBI definitely makes your job of understanding this data better in a very less amount of time and it is equally useful for both technical and non-technical people. So, these are the reasons why PowerBI is so important.

Another reason is the job trend. It completes most of the best tools in the market and it is net to net connect with all the tools and that is the reason there has been a lot of job opportunities in recent times. 




Moreover, PowerBI is a user-friendly tool that has been conceived for the use of a maximum of people.

In other words, any collaborator or business user in a company may be able to access his data and visualizations, create reports and share them with their co-workers or other people in the organization without the need of technical intermediaries.


Why Tableau:


Tableau is basically a business intelligence tool that helps us to analyze the data in the form of a visual manner may be a graph or reports and etc.

Suppose you have data in the Microsoft excel it can be any database it can be big data, it can be Hadoop SQL, any cloud database which is given here.

If you want to analyze this data in the form of different types of graphs or reports you can use Tableau. It is a very powerful tool.   

Tableau is one of the many tools that help to manage the data flow and turn the data. It can be connected to 40 different data sources and build interactive dashboards with a few clicks. Which can help you to quickly understand your data? Tableau has been leader according to Garter, Tableau leads the magic Quadrant for the year 2019.


What are the different types of Tools offered by Tableau?


  • Tableau Public
  • Tableau Desktop
  • Tableau Prep
  • Tableau Online
  • Tableau Server


Use Tableau's powerful features and publish interactive visualization.

Use Powerful drag and drop analytics in Tableau Desktop.

Prepare your data for analysis with Tableau Prep

Analytics platform fully hosted in the cloud.

It safely distributes interactive data on the website or web.


Tableau Desktop and Tableau Online is used to create different types of reports and the other 3 tools are used for publishing the reports. Obviously when you create you want somebody to see that report. Tableau has very good compatibility with the database it can connect to.


  • Spreadsheet
  • Database
  • Big Data
  • Access Data Warehouses
  • Cloud Applications
  • Cloud Databases
  • 50 plus different other databases.


When you create different types of reports you want to be published in different types of devices. It supports


  • Desktop
  • Tablet
  • Phone


It has compatibility features where you can adjust the layout, you can adjust the font size, etc. all these things.


If you want to create a summarized report a graph or pie chart anything you have to first create a pivot table when you create a pivot table all the column headings have been taken into one place and you can create a report using filters, columns, rows, and values. These are the different things which you can use.


How Tableau Recognize the Database?


When you open any database just an example of excel can be SQL or it can be MS Access anything. It divided into two parts one is the dimensions and the other one is the measure.

Using the dimensions and measures you can create different types of charts in tableau. It supports 25 different types of charts that you can create.

Along with this, there are many reasons why you should go for tableau.


  • It has great speed
  • User-Friendly
  • Beautiful and interactive Dashboards
  • Direct Connection
  • Easy Publishing and Sharing
  • Growing Market.


Gartner is one of the companies which analyze different types of BI tools all across the world It has also proven that Tableau is one of the best products all across the world itself. Not only this year for 5 years it is in the top position.


Why QlikView:


QlikView is a data discovery tool we can generate a new view of data on the fly. The special thing about QlikView is it an in-memory technology.

It compresses the data with its own technology and it holds in memory where it is available immediate exploration by multiple users, and for a data set there are too large to fit in memory and it can directly connect to the data source.


Benefits of QlikView


The reports and visualization are practical and non-sustainable. Practical lessons it asks the users to build new analysis by themselves that is why it is in practical. Then it requires more experts to build reports for them so that is why it is not sustainable.


But with the QlikView application, the answers are already available there.  They are just available to use with simple clicks and tabs on your dashboard.


QlikView is fully functional on touch devices with all features of web client available to the users.


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