Write a program to display the information of employee for
the given employee id?
You can try this PLSQL procedure to display the information of employee for the given employee id
declare --Dynamic declaration of variable veno emp.empno%type; --Declaring table based record type variable emprec emp%rowtype; begin veno:='&veno'; select * into emprec from emp where empno=veno; dbms_output.put_line (chr(10)||' Emp id: '||veno||chr(10)|| '****************************'||chr(10)|| 'Name: '||emprec.ename||chr(10)|| 'Desg: '||emprec.job||chr(10)|| 'Salary: '||emprec.sal||chr(10)|| 'Join Dt: '||emprec.hiredate||chr(10)|| 'Comm: '||emprec.comm||chr(10)|| 'Deptno: '||emprec.deptno||chr(10)|| 'Working under manager_Id: '||emprec.mgr ); end;
we can declare the variables dynamically/ Implicitly
with the data type of column, by using %TYPE.
It eliminates Data type and size incompatibility issues.
syn: var table_name.col_name%TYPE; Ex: vdno emp.deptno%type;
In the above, the %TYPE is taking the data type and size of the column DEPTNO from the table EMP and these things will be applicable to the variable "vdno".
It is used to declare a variable as a RECORD type variable.
This type of variable is able to store one record from one table.
It is reducing the number of variable declarations.
syn: varname tablename%ROWTYPE; Ex: emp_rec emp%rowtype; Ex: prod_info prod_dtls%rowtype; emp_rec | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | empno ename sal job hiredate comm deptno
Ex: select * into emp_rec from emp where empno=7788;
How to ACCESS individual values from the COMPOSITE TYPE variable?
syn: IN any output stmt,use the below syntax var_name . colname; Ex: dbms_output.put_line (' emp salary :'|| emp_rec . sal);
Don't specify like this
dbms_output.put_line(' emp Info :'|| emp_rec );