In this article, we will see how to CALCULATE THE NET SALARY Basic HRA and DA Using PLSQL Program. IF DA IS 30% OFF BASIC, HRA IS 10% OF BASIC AND PF IS 7% IF BASIC SALARY IS LESS THAN 8000, PF IS 10% IF BASIC SAL IS BETWEEN 8000 TO 160000.
Net Salary Formula
Net Salary =basic + da + hra -pf

Definition of Net Salary
Net payment is generally lower than the gross payment. Still, the net payment and the gross payment can be equal if the individual earns a payment lower than any of the quantities that are mentioned on the pre-determined duty crossbeams and the income duty that must be paid by the existent is zero.
PLSQL Program
Let us see the Pl/SQL Program for NET SALARY Basic HRA and DA Using PLSQL Program
ename varchar2(15);
basic number;
da number;
hra number;
pf number;
netsalary number;
da:=basic * (30/100);
hra:=basic * (10/100);
if (basic < 8000)
pf:=basic * (8/100);
elsif (basic >= 8000 and basic <= 16000)
pf:=basic * (10/100);
end if;
netsalary:=basic + da + hra -pf;
dbms_output.put_line('Employee name : ' || ename);
dbms_output.put_line('Providend Fund : ' || pf);
dbms_output.put_line('Net salary : ' || netsalary);
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